A Word From The Owner

Please excuse the headshot, my mother tells me I’m very handsome. Hi, I’m Austin, and I’m the proud owner of Clean Freaks USA. I moved from Missouri after graduating Mizzou with an engineering degree to follow my real dream of being an entrepreneur. I’ve always had a fascination with cars and have owned some pretty cool ones. One thing I always found therapeutic was cleaning them. After figuring out engineering wasn’t for me ($120,000 later) I knew I needed to do something I was passionate about. I visited a friend in Phoenix and fell in love with Arizona and all the amazing cars that I saw driving around frequently. Back where I’m from, if there was a supercar driving through town, you could expect a call from your friend telling you how awesome it was. I wanted this to be my new normal. A month after getting back home, I built a dream mobile detailing setup, threw my stuff in a U-Haul and moved 20 hours across the country.

I created Clean Freaks USA not only as a detailing company, but a brand that people could come to love and remember. I have aspirations to grow this company to be a national detailing company and eventually I will have the logo on the hood of a NASCAR. Rather than being just another detailing company that are a dime a dozen, I wanted my company to have a personality and treat my customers like we’re all one big happy family. This is no easy feat and I promise no one will treat you better as a customer because I believe that is the first, completely necessary step in building a national brand with a glowing reputation.

The next step would be providing exceptional services and unbeatable results. I have spent years training and researching everything there is to know about detailing. Nothing less than that will result in repeat customers that are so happy with their experience they can’t wait to tell their friends to try us out. I am always learning and pushing the envelope in my industry because there is no other way to get, and stay, on top.

Don’t just take my word for it, give us a call and see for yourself.

- Austin, Clean Freaks USA

*bald-eagle screech*