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Austin Garrison - Owner & Operator




Clean Freaks USA understands that your privacy is important to you

While browsing and interacting with our website, information is collected for various reasons such as; analyzing the way our website is used to promote general improvements and increase personalization. This information is also used for communications purposes between staff and customers, as well as to develop new services to better suit our customers' needs. Clean Freaks USA also reserves the right to use to use pictures of your vehicle for marketing purposes and to post to on any of our Social Media. Your personal information will not be shown in the photos.


 Clean Freaks USA is committed to your satisfaction.

That being said, if you are ever unsatisfied with our work, reach out as soon as possible and we will make it right. Clean Freaks USA limits its liability to the total dollar amount of each job and we are not liable for any pre-existing damages to your vehicle.